Character Design Project

For this project, I was assigned to selected a character from a book or novel that I could create based on the descriptions of them alone. By using the information giving to me through the reading, as well as collected outside sources, I would create what I believed this character should look like. For this project, I selected Edward Hyde from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

Book Research:

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has been a favorite of mine ever since I read it in grade school. The character of Mr. Hyde was so unique to me that it was always on my mind. Why would someone want to extract  the evil part of there consciousness? Is the pure existence of Mr. Hyde mean that Dr. Jekyll has this deep-seeded evil and hatred inside of him? Mr. Hyde's actions makes me think about our animalistic impulses and how much control we truly have over them. The thing that always intrigued me about Mr. Hyde was how he was described. I've always picture him as resembling a gorilla or caveman who doesn't know how to control himself. Unlike the clean shaven and well groomed Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde is rugged and dirty. He doesn't care what people think of him, but he knows he has to power to do whatever he wants.

In Chapter 4 of the book, Mr. Hyde encounters an kind man, Sir Danvers Carew, who greets him as they pass each other in the early hours of the morning. Instead of returning the greeting Mr. Hyde turns and beats him to death with his cane. After this encounter, Mr. Hyde disappears, unable to be found.

In the later chapters of the book it is revealed to the reader that Hyde is in fact Jekyll, and a result of the Doctor's experiments when trying to uncover the duality of man. He created a potion that would bring to light his dark side, which we would come to know as Mr. Hyde. In a letter, Jekyll explains his relationship with Hyde. He writes that he used Hyde as a way to act on his darker, more embarrassing impulses, but realized the danger that posed when he awoke one night as Hyde without taking the potion. This event cause Jekyll to stop his experiments, but months later, would cave in and take the potion, transforming him into Jekyll once again. Being repressed for so long, Hyde emerge angry and vengeful, and it was in this mood that he killed Carew. By the end of the letter, Jekyll explains that he is getting weaker and Hyde is getting stronger and it would not be long before Jekyll is no more. In a last ditch attempt, Jekyll writes this letter and kills himself, ending Hyde's tired for good.


Hyde's description varies from person to person, but from all the information given, these are Hyde's defined characteristics:

- Small, Deformed, Disgusting man
- Devoid of Profession
- Something evil in his face
- Looks pre-human (animalistic)
- Reembodying a troglodyte
- Wears baggy clothes that are to large for him
- Embodiment of pure evil\



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